Our Story
Batteaux and the James River have been a part of our lives forever. Our companies founders were introduced to the magic of ‘batteauing’ at a young age through the James River Batteau Festival, a yearly week long event where around twenty of these boats float 120 miles from Lynchburg to Maidens Landing (near Richmond). Our co-founder, Will Smith, was more or less born into this as his father Ralph become involved in the festival the year he was born in 1987.

Co-founder Will Smith, Taylor Smith Ralph Smith

Anthony Rucker and Maple Run Batteaux, 1990

Will Smith with brother Taylor Smith
In 2006, Will Smith and fellow co-founder Will Cash started a new batteau program with their friends named the Morning Dew. It’s hard to describe how special that week became. Life plans and obligations needed to accommodate the Batteau Festival, not vice versa. Waiting for the week throughout the year became a bit like a child waiting on Christmas. It was inevitable as the days wore on that the conversation would move towards our privilege of being a part of a tiny group of people who get to experience this.

The Morning Dew batteau through the years

James River Batteau Company was founded with the idea to spread the joy that we experience on the boats and along this river with the public. You can rest easy knowing that you are riding with batteauman who have been navigating this river for over 25 years and have over a decade’s worth of experience in hospitality and tourism.

located in Scottsville, Va
James River Batteau Company operates out of the charming and historic town of Scottsville, Virginia. The town of Scottsville was established during the 1700’s when rivers were still the main form of transportation into Virginia’s wild interior. Throughout the batteau era, Scottsville was the most important town along the river for boatmen carrying goods to the markets in Richmond. Today the town exudes historic charm and offers a variety of restaurants, breweries, museums and local parks to enjoy the day in. We are proud to operate out of Scottsville and bring the area’s history and heritage to life.